SEPTEMBER 18, 2019



Attendees:  48

Meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm which began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Police Chief Fernando Spagnolo and followed by a Moment of Silence for our departed neighbors.


Police Chief Fernando Spagnolo reported:

·         He discussed the importance of community relations. 

·         The Department is seeing results of their investigations into gang activity and drug activity. 

·         There are nine new recruits and applications are open for additional new recruits. 

·         The Citizen Pal Academy runs for two weeks and will start on September 23rd.  Anyone interested should contact the Community Relations Division.

·         There are 9 new police vehicles.

·         Owners of Unregistered cars or out of state plates can be ticketed after 60 days.  They have towed 5,000 unregistered cars.

·         There have been 155 cars stolen.  Please lock cars and report anything suspicious.

·         There is a webinar on “ring doorbells” with a police component.  Bid has been approved for new software called “Milestone” to access videos from any camera.

·         There are new downtown cameras on East Main St., Grand St., Meadow St., South Main St., and Bank St.


Comments from East Mountain residents included:

·         Speeding has increased on Westport Drive and Purdy Road.  Could speed bumps be installed?

·         There is speeding near East Mountain Park during games and speeding near East Mountain golf course.  Could extra patrols be implemented or signs installed?

·         PAL has programs for young teens which includes 1:1 mentoring, help with homework, snacks, and a culinary program.  This runs four days per week.  Anyone interested can contact PAL at www.waterburypal.org or call 203-346-3921.

·         There has been a decrease in community relations officers over the past ten years from 8 to 5.  However there is now a traffic unit and 4 mounted police officers under community relations.  PAL community relations is housed on Pine Street.


Community Relations Officer Charles Carangelo reported:

·         Since our last meeting in June there have been 29 motor vehicle stops, 3 suspicious persons reported, 3 blighted properties reported, 1 robbery, and 1 motor vehicle stolen in the East Mountain area.

·         Critical incidents have included: robberies at a package store on Reidville Dr., Subway, Nardelli’s, a lawnmower at St. Peter and Paul rectory, tires stolen at Blasius Chevrolet, a car stolen on Sprucedale Dr., and a motor vehicle accident on Plank Rd.

·         He encouraged residents to text or call him at 203-525-8797 with anything suspicious.


State Representative Stephanie Cummings reported:

·         There will be a grocery tax increase on prepared foods of 1% from 6.35% to 7.35%.

·         Tolls on highways has not been decided.  Tolls on bridges did not pass.

·         I-84 project is up for an award.  She encouraged everyone to vote.

·         Next Legislative Session will resume in February


District 4 Aldermen were absent. Nothing to report.


Secretary Dory St. John reported:

·         A brief summary of our last meeting in June was read.  These minutes are posted on the EMNA website.  This month’s minutes will also be posted on the EMNA website.

·         Correspondence included:  a sympathy card sent to the Corden Family and thank you cards received from Michael Jarjura and the Corden Family.

·         12 new neighbors have moved into the East Mountain area:  East Mountain Rd., Quarry Hill Rd., Butternut Ridge Rd., Eastside Blvd., Purdy Rd., Rockledge Dr., Peach Orchard Rd., Harwood Rd., Gatewood Cir., Skyline Dr., and two on Pineridge Rd.


Treasurer Colin Coburn reported:

·         Current report for June 1st through August 31st was presented at the meeting and will be on file.  If anyone would like additional information regarding the Treasurer’s Report please contact him.


City Liaison Officer Mike Ptak reported:

·         Paving on city streets has not begun

·         The Gathering at Library Park will take place on Saturday, September 21st.


Neighborhood Watch Commander Bob McGovern had nothing to report.


Community Property Project Tom Brunnock was absent.  Nothing to report.


Old Business:  Nothing to report.


New Business:

·         EMNA newsletter came out last month

·         Bob Perigard made a motion to purchase a gift certificate for Nicole Stere for her help with the newsletter.  All in favor.  Motion carries.



President Mike Stere reported:

·         The Waterbury Neighborhood Council met in August. This is a great venue to bring everyone together.

·          There was a round table with Mayor O’Leary. 

·         The main Fundraiser will be at La Bella Vista on October 24th from 6:00-9:30 pm.  There will be a dinner and award ceremony.  Mike Stere will be one of the honorees. Tickets are $50.00 for adults and $25.00 for children under 12.

·         We need volunteers for hospitality.  Contact any of the officers if interested.

·         The Bouley Manor Neighborhood Association invites all Waterbury residents to a “Meet and Greet the Candidates” on Thursday, October 10th at Chase School Gymnasium from 6:30-8:30 pm.

·         Bob Perigard was presented with a plaque for 7 years of service to EMNA.


John Shove commented on the beautiful new plants at East Mountain Park. They are still in need of maple and/or oak trees.


Motion to adjourn:  Bob Perigard, 2nd Tim Conway.  Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.


Submitted by

Dory St. John