SEPTEMBER 19, 2018


Attendees:  62

Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm which began with the Pledge of Allegiance led by Sgt. Bissette and followed by a Moment of Silence for our departed neighbors.


Guest Speaker:  Art Denze, Vice President of the Waterbury Neighborhood Council:

·         The Council meets 3 times per month.  They are slowly rebuilding the Council.  They need new members to promote positive things for the city:  quality of life, preservation of neighborhoods, etc. and to change negative things such as blight and overdevelopment in the city.

·         They have a new website and a new office on Bank Street

·         There will be an Awards Dinner at the Ponte Club on October 25th honoring 6 people:

Representative Stephanie Cummings

Steve Shrag

Harold Webster Smith Foundation

Peter Morgan

Mattatuck Drum Corps

Frank Monteiro

·         There will be a “Meet and Greet the Politicians” on September 20th at the Ponte Club.


Sgt. Bissette introduced our new Community Relations Officer Charles Carangelo:

·         Charles Carangelo gave a brief history of his career.

·         He gave out his personal phone number:  203-525-8797 and encouraged anyone with concerns to feel free to contact him at this number or his email: ccarangelo@wtbypd.org.

·         Any traffic issues:  traffic@wtbypd.org.

·         On Friday, September 28th there will be a car seat clinic at Target.

·         There were three larcenies involving motor vehicles of unlocked cars.  He encouraged everyone to lock their cars and not leave anything in plain sight.

·         There were 50 motor vehicle stops.

·         There will be a new Motor Vehicle Unit assigned to East Mountain in unmarked cars.

·         Perpetrators are using stolen vehicles to commit other crimes in areas such as Fairfield County.

·         To report stolen cars or suspicious activity call:  203-574-6911 or dial 911.

·         There will be a grand opening of the PAL Greenhouse on September 20th at 5:30pm.  The PAL Culinary team will be cooking and it is free to anyone attending.

·         There will be a Community Outreach at Washington Park on October 9th from 3pm to 7pm.



State Representative Stephanie Cummings reported:

·         The Legislature is not in session at this time.

·         There will be bonding for Hartford, New Haven and Waterbury.

·         There will be $375,000 dedicated to Waterbury for the Youth Initiative Bill.

·         A Bill was also passed: after the third offence juveniles will be assigned to adult court.

·         October 1st will be the beginning of “Anti-Bullying Month”.  The Silas Bronson Library will be presenting “Soulful Sydney” a book written by an 11 year old at 6:00 pm on the 1st.


Alderman Mike DiGiovancarlo reported:

·         The privatization of the Sewer Plant was approved in a bi-partisan vote.

·         Out of state plates are still a problem and are being tracked.  They are dealing with several per week.


Secretary Dory St. John reported:

·         The minutes for the June meeting are posted on the EMNA website.  A brief summary of the June meeting was read.

·         Minutes for today’s meeting will be posted on the EMNA website.

·         Correspondence included:  A get well card sent to Evelyn Carrah.  Sympathy cards were sent to the Carrah Family and the Miner Family.

·         Fourteen families moved into the East Mountain neighborhood:  Peach Orchard Rd., Split Rock Dr., Piping Rock Dr., Sprucedale Dr., Westport Dr., Rockledge Dr., Hamilton Ave., Eastside Blvd., Harwood Rd., Gayfield Rd., Woodedge Ave., and three on Shadybrook La.


Treasurer’s Report by Colin Coburn: 

·         Current report for June to present was presented at the meeting and will be on file.  If anyone would like any further information regarding the Treasurer’s Report please contact him.


City Liaison Officer Mike Ptak reported:

·         There will be a Household Hazardous Waste Collection at Thomaston High School on September 22nd from 8am to 2pm.


Neighborhood Watch Commander Bob McGovern:

·         Nothing to report at this time.


Community Property Project Hon. Tom Brunnock reported:

·         On September 17th a judge met with the lawyers to file motions.  It is a slow process and is still ongoing.


Old Business:

·         The cleanup at East Mountain Park was a success.  New mulch was laid and picnic tables were painted.

·         There was not a good turnout for “Movie in the Park on August 24th.  There was a donation of $100. made by the Bouley Manor Neighborhood Association toward “Movie in the Park”.


New Business:

·         The Annual Newsletter was mailed out.

·         We need volunteers to sign up for Hospitality.

·         Flyers were put out for various events:  The Bouley Manor Neighborhood Association invites East End and East Mountain residents to “Meet and Greet the Candidates” on Thursday, October 11th at Chase School Gym at 6:30pm.  Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of your bill to St. Peter and Paul School on Sept. 26th from 4-8pm.


Former Mayor Mike Jarjura reported:

·         Joe Geary, Director of Operations for the City of Waterbury will soon be leaving to pursue other options.


Motion to adjourn by Bob McGovern, 2nd by Tim Conway.  All in favor.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.


Submitted by Dory St. John